About us

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Center for Media and Peace Initiatives —CMPI is a 501 (c) (3) independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion of conflict-resolving media practices and better policy around the world. For too long the media has been left out of relevant policy discussions.
CMPI seeks to foster critical journalism devoted to peace building and holding practitioners accountable for ethical journalism. We are building a media system that supports peace, dialogue, nonviolence, transparency, and democracy. With a great reliance on its extensive international network, the center operates as a facilitator and partner in a wide variety of endeavours. These include training projects, the publication and and dissemination of significant communication scholarship, and advancing the communication discipline through meaningful research, teaching and service.
Center for Media and Peace Initiative as non-governmental organization has consultative status with the United Nation’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
CMPI shares a commitment to make better sense of the role communication plays in global politics and the relationship between communication and conflict. It is involved in research and the publishing of journalistic content in support of those goals.


CMPI seeks to provide learning opportunities for journalists, citizens, and civil society activists on conflict-resolving journalism, conducting research, preventing violent extremism, and engage in transformative mediation. We design, produce, and manage an innovative program of high quality seminars and conferences which promote the sharing of knowledge and information, create opportunities for learning such as our annual Gershowtiz Conference.


Our vision is to attract global support for peace journalism through clear understanding of the power of information dissemination in fostering peace. Information is a commodity that requires conscious efforts in processing: the higher degree of processing the more likelihood of peace, cooperation, and understanding in the world.

Our History

Center for Media & Peace Initiative was founded in New York in 2005 by a group of experienced professionals of diverse nationalities who share international and professional ideas. Given the role of the media in conflict prevention, management, and resolution, we raise global awareness on the intersection of media, conflict prevention, peace building, and public policy. Through radio/TV programs, social media, and public forums, the center leads the effort to teach citizens all they should know about the media. CMPI has also conducted a number of trainings for individuals and groups on these themes.
The Center for Media & Peace Initiatives (CMPI) continues to partner with the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University Newark to organize the Gershowitz Conference on Media and Democratic Governance focused on the intersection of press, people, peace, and public policy. Established in 2012, the Gershowitz Conference is a living memorial to Dr. Michael Gershowitz, a learned scholar and eminent practitioner, who had initiated the forum. In 2014, CMPI held events at the U.S. Institute for Peace and played an active role in the United States–Africa Leaders Summit organized by the the Obama Administration in 2014. In, 2020 CMPI partnered with YouGov and Arab News on an event tied to the U.S. election.
CMPI has conducted peace-building missions to Africa and Europe. Its representatives have been participants in conferences around the globe including those organized by the African Union, as well as events in Ireland, South Korea, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates.
In recognition of its work the Center for Media and Peace Initiative gained consultative status with the United Nation’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2017.  The Center has also partnered with the Commonwealth Africa Initiative and African Union’s mission to the United Nations on previous events and activities.

CMPI Focus

  • Support peace-efforts and peace-makers around the globe through the media and other endeavours
  • Provide a wide variety of professional development opportunities for journalists.
  • Sponsor educational opportunities for international journalists through collaboration and partnerships.
  • To provide forums for professional interaction among journalists of diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Promote ethical journalism, dialogue, and commitment of journalism to peace building.
  • Defend minority rights and to bring journalistic attention to their demands.
  • To conduct periodic research on media behavior with emphasis on comparative media systems.
  • Engage in research and consultancy services with educational institutions to identify, train and nurture journalists