CMPI invites manuscript for the quarterly Journal of Media and Public Policy.
Journal of Media and Public Policy

Center for Media & Peace Initiatives (CMPI), New York, United States publishers of the quarterly peer-reviewed Journal of Media and Public Policy (JMPP) invites submissions from scholars for the third quarter edition of the journal.
The Journal of Media & Public Policy, published for an international audience, seeks to serve as a resource for journalists and public administrators around the world. In collaboration with universities and organizations, the Journal of Media & Public Policy focuses on the interconnection between media and public policy through research and commentary.
It covers the areas of social science such as management, marketing, finance, economics, banking, accounting, human resources management, international relations, law, development studies, history, journalism, mass communication, democratic governance, cross-cultural studies, public administration, psychology, sociology, women studies, social equity and so on.
JMPP publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, case studies, empirical research, and book reviews. To make submissions for the next edition.
Please submit manuscripts to the Editor at