In 1975 he founded and has since directed the National Center for Public Performance. Dr. Holzer is also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the journals Public Performance & Management Review and Public Voices, and is the co-founder/co-editor of the Chinese Public Administration Review. With the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, he has established the Public Performance Measurement and Reporting Network. He has authored or edited more than fifty books, and has published well over two hundred books, monographs, chapters and articles. Dr. Holzer has raised over $20 million in external funding.
Dr. Holzer is a Past President of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) and is a recipient of several national and international awards in the field: the ASPA Dwight Waldo Award for outstanding contributions to the professional literature of public administration over an extended career, 2013; the Distinguished Research Award from the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) and the American Society for Public Administration, 2009; the Sweeney Academic Award from the International City Management Association, 2005; ASPA’s Charles H. Levine Memorial Award for Demonstrated Excellence in Teaching, Research and Service to the Community, 2000 and the Donald Stone National ASPA Achievement Award, 1994; the Presidential Leadership Award of the Conference of Minority Public Administrators (2006); the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration Excellence in Teaching Award, 1998; the William and Frederick Mosher Award for Best Article by an Academician Appearing in the Public Administration Review, 2001 and the Joseph Wholey Distinguished Scholarship Award for Best Scholarly Publication in Performance-based Governance in a Public Administration Journal, 2001 (Co-Recipient for PAR and Wholey awards with Patria deLancer Julnes).
At Rutgers, he has received the University awards for Research (2001), Public Service (2002) and Human Dignity (2004). His international work has been recognized by the Senator Peter B. Boorsma Award (2002), the Presidential Citation of the American Society for Public Administration (2003), and the Chinese Public Administration Society Award for Excellence (2002). He directs the Memoranda of Understanding between ASPA and the United Nations Division of Public Administration and Public Economics, the Korean Association of Public Administration, the Chinese Public Administration Society, and the European Group on Public Administration. He founded the Northeast Conference on Public Administration and several ASPA Sections on Korea, China and Humanities/Arts. He currently chairs the ASPA Endowment.