CMPI International Media Summit_PressRelease
CMPI hosts International Summit on Reconstruction of Journalism 2014
The Center for Media and Peace initiatives in association with the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations and EnovativeTV, hosts Journalism Summit to discuss how Journalism is changing in the 21st century.
New York, USA – April 14, 2014 – Erudite scholars and journalists from around the world will gather in New York on Friday May 2, 2014, to discuss the changing demands on and of journalism in the twenty-first century. Organized by the Center for Media & Peace Initiatives (CMPI) in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations and EnovativeTV, the international media summit will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
A statement by the President of CMPI, Dr. Uchenna Ekwo says the summit is being convened in response to the decline of standards in journalism practice around the world especially in the aftermath of massive hacking scandals at Rupert Murdoch’s News International in the UK and intense partisanship in media coverage in United States and other failures of the news media
Through discussion, debate, and case studies, participants drawn from different disciplines are expected to develop concrete strategies to restore the dignity of journalism not only in the United States but the entire world.
With the theme – Future of Journalism: Managing Credibility and Identity Crises in the Fourth Estate, the summit will solicit ideas from prominent journalists and members of civil society, academia and students on how the media can meet current challenges.
Among the featured speakers at the summit include Zambia’s Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Dr. Joseph Katema, MP and Prof. Tapio Varis, the UNESCO Chair in Global E-Learning. Other speakers come from different universities and journalism institutions around the world.
The event is free for registered participants because it is being offered as a public service by CMPI. Reporters, editors, camera persons, anchors, scholars, academics, photographers, radio and television producers, newspaper columnists, bloggers, civil society activists, lawyers, students, and women are therefore invited to participate at the summit.